Thursday, October 9, 2008

Organized Potting Shed

After swimming ( yes, the water is still 70) I spent most of the afternoon cleaning and organizing the potting shed that's near the vegetable garden. Among other things I found lots of rat poop, 8 rat traps, multiple rakes, hoes, and lemonpickers, 25 plastic empty manure bags, multiple red clay pots filled with white spider eggs and spiders, 3 watering cans to go with the two in the patio, four dirty sheets, and a 58 year old wheelbarrow. An explanation is probably needed for some of the above stuff. My parents had a 35 year old lemon tree in the backyard, but eventually it died, thus the 2 lemon pickers. When I suggested we get rid of them Dad pointed out the twelve foot high baby lemon tree that will someday bear fruit. The empty plastic manure bags are used to clean up after the dog, and go in the trash can once a week. My Dad insists on a hefty stash.The sheets were thrown in a pile, but had been used (one for each year) to cover the rototiller when the machine was returned to the shed after it's annual chore. The 58 year old totally rusted wheelbarrow is another story and will have its own post. The area was so disastrous that I worried that anyone trying to go in it would trip, including myself. You all know that organization is not my forte, but I even went to the hardware store and got clips to hang the tools up on. The area is almost habitable now!


Josh & Teddie said...

Im impressed, so this is what you were doing all day long....
I was doing similar work here, the computer room is progressing slowly as is the dining room and my room. Maybe by the time you get home Tuesday (if that is still the plan) it will be pretty close.

Waterspout said...

Yo go girl. All you learn there will most likely be needed when you return the 34 Whitford. Sorry Teddie. Well maybe you best not start practicing them at home until I am there to supervise.