Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pics to Follow (A Lot)

We have 10 minutes at an internet cafe on the Island of Patmos. I just finished a 35 minute swim in the sea within site of the monastary where John wrote the Book of Revelations. Dad says he is destroying all my credit cards and will never allow me off the boat again. I went berserk. I figured I would never be in Turkey again.... so bought two rugs.... and more stuff. Went to Ancient Ephesus this morning and cannot say enough about it. Was better than any Greek site. We are eating our way to oblivion and having a great time. Save time next May to join me for the same cruise.


Eva's Mom said...

My mother?!!? Going berserk with a credit card?!? What has retirement done to you?

Deb Kaz said...

Oooh, I am insanely jealous - we are studying Revelations this week and next! Keep up the good work (i.e. CHARGE!)