Saturday, March 24, 2012

Salad Table & Garden

on the far left fence the rhubarb is already ready to be picked, green plants in the center on the right are arugula plants that were planted in October, still very edible, though
transplanted lettuce plants and sugar snap peas in center , blueberries on the left/rear and a blueberry in the terracotta colored pot in the rear,
chest high salad table.. inspired by a friend in WI and built with the help of Sal (the box and sawhorses), Mike (the screens in the bottom) and Tom (for helping me use a level) One of my goals 5 weeks ago was to complete this project before I departed. Thanks to so many helpers it is now in place.
This was so easy to sow seeds in. The perfect height.

1 comment:

Josh & Teddie said...

So jealous! At least you'll get to help me plant my garden though...